Sunday, December 29, 2019

Strategic Direction For Joint Operations - 1640 Words

The security environment today is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA). The challenges presented by globalization, emerging powers as well as the continuing threat of terrorism indicate the future security environment will continue to gain complexity. Adding to this complexity is the challenge of increasingly constrained fiscal resources. To protect U.S. National Security interests in this complex and constrained environment, Joint Force 2025 (JF-2025) requires four core capabilities, it must be agile, adaptable, survivable and integrated. Supporting these capabilities requires proper balancing of the Joint Force. This essay discusses the impending environment, key strategic direction for JF-2025, the capabilities required by†¦show more content†¦The National Military Strategy of the United States articulates several specific challenges to U.S. National Security interests that will confront JF-2025. Russian aggression toward its neighbors and defiance of interna tional standards of behavior threatens stability in Europe. Iranian nuclear ambitions and support of terror imperils Israel and the Middle East. A bellicose and nuclear North Korea is a threat to America’s allies, Japan and the Republic of Korea. The emerging power of China offers both opportunities in the form of greater economic cooperation, but also challenges as they expand their military capabilities, menace Taiwan and make provocative claims in the South China Sea. Finally, violent extremist organizations (VEOs) such as ISIS and al-Qaida continue to degrade regional stability and threaten U.S. interests. The emergence of near-peer competitors like China and Russia and the threat of malign regional powers like Iran and North Korea continue to make inter-state war conceivable for JF-2025. The threat posed by VEOs and failing or failed states continues to foster regional instability making overseas contingency operations a likely possibility. In between these on the â€Å"continuum of conflict† is â€Å"hybrid conflict† which combines conventional and non-conventional forces employing both traditional military

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Schmalkaldic League An Alliance Of Lutheran Princes...

The Schmalkaldic League was â€Å"an alliance of Lutheran princes and cities that pledged to protect each other from any religiously motivated attack.† In the beginning, the Schmalkaldic League was made up of eight princes and eleven cities; if one member of the league were to be attacked because of their religion; all the other league members would unite and support them (The Schmalkaldic League: Reformation War). The league was formed in response to the threat in 1530 by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to get rid of Lutheranism within the empire and have all return to Catholicism. It was Charles V’s refusal to acknowledge the Augsburg Confession from the Diet of Augsburg in 1530 that lead to the formation of this league. Amongst the members, the league had a substantial military of 10,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry. The Schmalkaldic League got its name from the location in which it had formed; they had formed in the small town of Schmalkalden, Germany (Schmalkal dic League). Due to other things happening during this time, Charles V did not have a lot of time to focus on the Schmalkaldic League, which led him to grant the league â€Å"free exercise of their religion until a church council or national diet could decide religious issues† (Graves). â€Å"The creation of leagues was common in the early modern Holy Roman Empire, especially during the Reformation† (The Schmalkaldic League: Reformation War). Even though the Schmalkaldic League had a large military force and was ready toShow MoreRelatedA Sacrament, Pope Leo X, The Magnificent, Schmalkaldic Wars, Peace Of Augsburg Essay1754 Words   |  8 PagesChapter 13 Assignment #2 13.2 (Ryan Cho) Sacrament, Pope Leo X, St. Peter s Basilica, Edict of Worms, Peasant s War, Habsburg-Valois Wars, Suleiman the Magnificent, Schmalkaldic Wars, Peace of Augsburg 1. Sacrament. A sacrament is a Christian site recognized as of particular importance and significance. There are various views on the existence and meaning of such rites. Many Christians consider the sacraments to be a visible symbol of the reality of god, as well as a means by which God enacts hisRead More Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Essay1019 Words   |  5 PagesCharles Hapsburg, who later became Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, was born in the Flemish city of Ghent on February 24, 1500 (3) to Phillip the Handsome and Joanna the Mad (2). He had four sisters: Eleanor, Isabel, Mary, and Katherine. Ferdinand I was his only brother (7). His maternal grandparents were the very famous Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon who funded Columbus’s expeditions (6). His paternal grandfather was Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (7). Charles V was raised in the NetherlandsRead MoreMartin Luther And The Catholic Way Of Thinking868 Words   |  4 Pagescitizens more so the peasants. The peasants that believed the Lutheran teachings that they began riots so they could keep their religion. This retaliations happened during 1524 to 1525 with the peasant’s revolt when the peasants tried to stage a violent fight against the nobles in their own way with pitch forks and farm tools. Each revolt that went through was ended swiftly by the noble army but this still didn’t falter the belief for the Lutheran teachings. The survivors of the revolt were fined and achievedRead More The Decline of the Holy Roman Empire Essay3137 Words   |  13 Pagesempire’s authority slowly decreased over centuries and by the Middle Ages the emperor was little more than a figurehead, allowing princes to govern smaller sections of the empire. Though the various ruling princes owed loyalty to the emperor, they were also granted a degree of independence and privileges. The emperor, an elected monarch, needed the allegiance of the princes and other aristocracy to support him, in turn giving them power or money. This tenuous allegiance between powers was greatly strainedRead MoreW hy were the Habsburgs unable to consolidate their power in Hungary during this period?2034 Words   |  9 Pagesopposed to the Catholic dynasty, Habsburg priorities resting in religious conflict in Germany and securing influence in the Mediterranean from Ottoman and French fleets, Habsburg involvement in the Thirty Years War and the revived Franco-Ottoman Alliance. All these factors together ensured that the Habsburg would not gain control of Hungary until 1699. The first factor that should be argued is the lasting division of Hungary which existed from 1526. After the Ottoman invasion and victory at Mohà ¡cs

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Importance of Literacy Attainment in Primary Education Free Essays

string(207) " similar in background to those with reading difficulties alone, rather than those with behaviour problems alone, then it is likely that behaviour problems arise in part as a consequence of reading failure\." Why the government are driving to ensure literacy is a main priority, especially reading by six years of age. The importance of this and the effects on the child, parents, teachers and society. Abstract This paper attempts to analyse why the government are working so hard at ensuring all our primary children are reading by the age of six. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Literacy Attainment in Primary Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now The importance of this and the effect on children, teachers and society. It is well documented that reading is one of the most important abilities students acquire as they progress through their early school years. It is the foundation for learning across all subjects, it can be used for recreation and for personal growth, and it equips young children with the ability to participate fully in their communities and the larger society (Campbell et al, 2001) We will look at key issues and research which underpin the government literacy policy and ways in which it can be improved in school. In particular we focus on the extensive research between poor literacy attainment and behavioural problems within the primary setting. We trace the early literacy support programmes and how they are practised in the class room setting. We address the theoretical views on how language acquisition and literacy are interwoven. We look at the role of the teacher and school, and how policy and practice can smooth the progress of child literacy attainment by age of 6. Contents Title and Abstracti Chapter 11 Introduction 1 Chapter 22 Literature Review2 Research in to reading difficulties and behavioural problems2 2. 1 How does this affect the individual, parents, teachers and society5 2. 2 What impact does it have on the school6 Chapter 38 Analysis and critique of evidence base8 What challenges does it impose on the teachers nd what effective teaching methods are considered best practice8 3. 1 How does policy compare the theoretical research10 3. 2 Why do other countries not deem early literacy as important as the UK12 Chapter 413 Conclusion13 Chapter 514 Recommendations14 Bibliography15 Appendices19 Chapter 1 Introduction David Cameron’s conservative educational policy put his party on a collision course with the teaching profession, when he announced in November 07 that virtually every child in the country will be expected to read by the age of six under a conservative government. Cameron wants pupils to sit a reading test at the end of year one, and the target will be for all-bar those with serious learning difficulties, to pass. Their policy to scrap the key stage one testing, which was quite controversial, has already been enforced. His policy to concentrate on the absolute foundation stone, which is an ability to read, has yet to be enforced. He wants 90% of our children reading by the age of six, the other 10% with acute special needs will be given additional help (BBC News Nov 2007). It is also been observed that most children will naturally read by the age of six, as they progress though the foundation stage and key stage one. The problem arises with the children that do not progress so easily. At the age of four and five most children are less aware of their peers, they are more interested in their own ability to do. Yet as they turn six their awareness of others and their abilities become more interesting. This in-turn leads to the less gifted children realising that they are not as bright as other children, which can leads to them feeling disheartened and inadequate. Consequently this may lead to the less gifted children giving up and becoming disengaged, which can cause behavioural problems. Therefore if the teacher can help these children early, perhaps the achievement gap will not be so noticeable, therefore prevent further elevation of problems that arise from detachment (Teacher TV 2009). It is though however that at such a young age, this behaviour is more easily managed and can be reversed (Moffitt 2006). Apparently there is a scheme behind David Cameron’s policy. As early prevention may hopefully alleviate the need for expensive intervention later on. Chapter 2 Literature Review Research in to reading difficulties and behavioural problems As it has frequently been observed that reading difficulties are accompanied by behaviour problems ( Berger, Yule Rutter, 1975; Rutter, Tizeird Whitmore, 1970). However, the exact nature of the relationship has been difficult to elucidate. One possibility is that behaviour problems arise as a consequence of the child’s reaction to being a poor reader. An alternative possibility is that the behaviour problems pre-date the reading difficulty and affect the child’s capacity to profit from reading instruction. A third possibility is that behaviour problems are related to reading difficulties because they share a common cause. A likely candidate for such a common cause would be home background. Of course, none of these possibilities are mutually exclusive. All could be partly true, with causal influences operating in both directions between reading difficulties and behaviour problems, as well as coming from home background. Several studies have attempted to sort out these various possibilities. Two major approaches have been employed. The first is to compare children who have both reading difficulties and behaviour problems with children who have reading difficulties alone and with children who have behaviour problems alone. If the children with both reading difficulties and behaviour problems are similar in background to those with reading difficulties alone, rather than those with behaviour problems alone, then it is likely that behaviour problems arise in part as a consequence of reading failure. You read "The Importance of Literacy Attainment in Primary Education" in category "Papers" Conversely, if the children with combined problems are more similar in background to those with behaviour problems, then it seems likely that the behaviour problems are the primary disorder. A number of studies have been reported using this approach with antisocial behaviour problems. Rutter and Yule (1970) studied 9 to 10 year-old children on the Isle of Wight. They found that the children with combined problems were more similar in background to those with reading difficulty alone and concluded that the reading difficulties produced the behaviour problems. Sturge 1982) research with 10 year old children from inner London school found that those with combined problems had background characteristics in between those of the two groups with pure disorders. She concluded that in some cases, behaviour problems might be secondary to reading difficulties, but that this could not be the complete explanation. However, Varlaam (1974) also used inner London children and did find those with com bined problems to be more similar to children with pure reading difficulties. Generically speaking, then, the evidence using this approach has been consistent with the view that behaviour problems arise as a consequence of reading failure. The second approach adopted by researchers on this issue is the longitudinal study. With this approach, children are followed over the first few years of schooling. Those who have developed reading difficulties after this time are then studied to see if their behaviour problems were present before formal reading instructions began or whether they developed only later as a reaction to reading failure. Two studies have used the longitudinal approach. McMichael (1979) assessed Scottish children for behaviour problems and reading readiness at school entry and then two years later assessed reading achievement and behaviour problems. She found that antisocial behaviour problems preceded the later reading difficulties. However, the children with behaviour problems at school entry also had lower reading readiness skills. On the other hand, McMichael found no evidence of an increase in behaviour problems as a consequence of reading failure. Stott (1981), working with Canadian children, followed them over the first three years of schooling. His findings concurred with those of McMichael (1979) in that children who developed reading difficulties were found to have behaviour problems at school entry. Stott attempted to rule out the possibility that home background was a common cause of both behaviour problems and reading difficulties by grouping the children according to living conditions. He concluded that on the whole it was behaviour problems which led to reading difficulties, home background was not ruled out as a contributing factor Moffatt 2006) of Royal Institute of London did an extensive study on twins and genetics relating to poor literacy and behaviour problems in primary. His research was surprising, as his results, found genetics did not explain it. He feels it’s an environmental process, such as what goes on in the classroom, and this is important because it can be changed. His researchers say their fi ndings indicate that academic intervention can have a positive effect on behaviour. Programmes that target either reading problems or behaviour problems during the pre-school and early primary school years are likely to produce changes in both areas, the research concludes. 2. 1 How does this affect the individual, parents, teachers and society There is a strong link to literacy attainment and confidence levels with regards to socio-economic advantaged children. The facilitation of these opportunities in the home (quiet reading environments, encouragement to read as a leisure activity, having plenty of books readily available, all enhance the development. The negative effects of reading problems are also well documented (Harris Sipay, 1990). There is evidence that reading disability is associated with social, economic, and psychological problems. The Green Paper,’ Excellence for all children, meeting the special educational needs’(DfEE 1997), acknowledged the Literacy task force recommendations for developing strategies to enable parents and schools to work together in supporting the literacy achievement for children with SEN’ (DfEE 1997, section 13, p 15). With this in mind it is important that the teacher offers practical advice and methods of intervention to the parents. The effects of good prevention and early intervention, along with effective parenting support will help reduce the risk of antisocial behaviour later on (Rutter 1979 and Epstein 1986). By working with the parents, the teacher can construct a plan of action that will facilitate the child’s learning. If the parents are poor, the teacher can suggest the child takes books from school to read at home with the parent. If the parent is not able to read or is working all the time, alternatives arrangements can be made for other family members to help. By taking a pragmatic approach the teacher will hopefully be able to help both the child and their parent with play based activities that will help to raise the spirits of the child while they learn (Wadworths 1991). The role of the teacher in literature-based instruction is one of decision maker, mentor, and coach. The teacher plans and supports activities that allow children to do those things one naturally does with literature (Routman, 1991). This role includes planning themes, helping students activate the appropriate prior knowledge, and supporting students in reading and responding to the literature in appropriate ways (Martinez Roser, 1991). In some instances the teacher plans and teaches mini-lessons using the literature as a model for helping students learn a needed strategy or skill (Trachtenberg, 1990). As a mentor, the teacher serves as a model for reading and writing, by reading aloud to students, the teacher models language for them. Through shared writing (McKenzie, 1985), the teacher models all aspects of writing, grammar, usage, and spelling. By supporting students with such activities as shared reading, literature discussion circles, and response activities, the teacher plays the role of coach (Cooper, 1993). 2. 2 What impact does it have on the school The principal’s challenge is to ensure that teachers have knowledge of current literacy best practices and access to the tools and resources needed to incorporate them. The principals need to have a working knowledge of literacy and the latest research findings about learning. They also need to ensure high quality instruction is supported by strong literacy frameworks. This may include the opportunity for peer coaching, classroom visitations, and literacy courses made available. Along side the practical courses the principal should ensure all her teachers opinions and ideas are valued, it is her role to support, motivate and encourage excellence in all her teaching staff. As teachers are a major part of a vision for literacy, competent, caring, and committed teachers create the conditions for learning literacy. To assure quality learning for all young children, all teachers need a foundational knowledge about literacy learning, and they need to apply that knowledge with sensitivity and skill in daily reading and writing instruction (Little 1999). a growing body of evidence suggests that reading problems are preventable for the vast majority of students who encounter difficulty in learning to read, if these students receive extra support in the form of an early intervention program (Goldenberg, 1994; Hiebert Taylor, 1994; Reynolds, 1991). All of the reading recovery programs reflect a model of reading as an active, meaningful, constructive process. Before-reading activities are used to build or activate relevant background knowledge, concepts, and vocabulary. Students are taught to monitor their reading to ensure that what they are reading makes sense. They are taught strategies for correcting word recognition errors that detract from meaning, and they are given opportunities for reacting and responding to selections they have read. The texts they are asked to read are read for enjoyment and for information. Other activities are developed within a framework of reading for meaning. Because reading for meaning is the constant point of reference and because students in these programs need substantial help in building word-identification skills, the amount of time spent in discussing selections and in teacher questioning about the selection is kept to a minimum (Reynolds and Wheldall 2007). Chapter 3 Analysis and critique of evidence base What challenges does it impose on the teachers and what effective teaching methods are considered best practice The Curriculum is only as good as the people who offer it; practitioners play a major part in how a child leans and indeed what they learn. Gerhardts (2004 and Gopnik et al. , 2001) point out that for a child to develop effectively, it is important that the child has a warm loving, nurturing relationship with their teacher. Pedagogy on which teachers can draw on: All children need to acquire knowledge of the alphabetic system to become skilled readers. The most direct way for teachers to accomplish this is by providing explicit, systematic phonics instruction as one part of a comprehensive early reading program. Systematic and explicit phonics instruction is effective for all students in kindergarten and grade 1, regardless of socioeconomic status or the ease with which children learn to read. Along side this runs the different modes of reading and their advantages to the children. The term mode of reading refers to the different ways literature may be read aloud by the teacher, shared, guided by the teacher, cooperatively, or independently (Cooper, 1993). By changing the modes of reading used for different students, teachers are able to scaffold instruction and provide different levels of support for students in order to make them successful in reading a piece of literature (Cooper, 1993; Cullinan, 1992; Tunnell Jacobs, 1989) Reading aloud is the single most influential factor in young children’s success in learning to read. It builds listening skills and vocabulary, aids reading comprehension, and develops a positive attitude toward reading. The teacher reads aloud daily to the whole class from a variety of children’s literature (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry). Shared Reading The children (or a small group of children) see the text, observe the teacher reading it with fluency and expression, and are invited to read along. Eyes on text with voice support are shared reading. Shared reading gives an authentic reason to practice skills and strategies. It creates a low risk environment and supplies support so children can join in and see themselves as readers. Guided reading The teacher selects books from a variety of genres for a small group with the expectation that all children can read the selection at an instructional level (90 to 94 percent) with prompts and questions. Guided reading provides the teacher with time to observe reading behaviours. It lets the teacher see the children functioning as readers and helps the teacher know what to stress next to move the children forward. The child selects and reads a variety of genres, an integral component of all levels of reading development. Independent reading provides practice and builds fluency and comprehension. It also demonstrates that reading is a priority. It is a time to assist a student in choosing appropriate books and allows them time in reading books of their choice. This helps ensure success and enjoyment (Cheminais 2005). scaffolding instruction Which is a concept that has grown out of research on how individuals learn (Collins, Brown, Newman, 1986; Vygotsky, 1978). This concept is based on the idea that at the beginning of learning, students need a great deal of support; gradually, this support is taken away to allow students to try their independence. This is what Pearson (1985) called the gradual release of responsibility. If students are unable to achieve independence, the teacher brings back the support system to help students experience success until they are able to achieve independence (Cooper, 1993). By using this method it is hopefully more clear-cut which children are in need of more support. Modeling Through Storybook Reading Recent research clarifies the extreme importance of reading storybooks to young children both at home and in school. Very early, children begin to imitate that reading — at first by relying exclusively on picture clues and memory. With increased experience they begin to focus on the information that print conveys (Snow, 1983; Sulzby, 1985; Teale, 1987). 3. 1 How does policy compare the theoretical research Most all theorists regardless of their particular thesis, believe that nature and nurture are interwoven in a child’s development. As Chomsky’s belief in nature still relies on nurturing for a child to gain its full developmental potential. As he wrote â€Å"If a child is placed in an impoverished environment, innate abilities simply will not develop, mature, and flourish (Taylor and Woods (2005). Similarly, a child brought up in an institution may have ample experience and nutrition, but still may not develop normally, either physically or mentally, if normal human interaction is lacking†(Chomsky 1987 p 2). So as Chomsky, believes the child is born with specific linguistic knowledge; Skinner, is portrayed as believing that language is entirely a matter of conditioning; Piaget, who sees language development as an outgrowth of general cognitive development; and Bruner, who emphasises the importance of the social/interactional context in which language development takes place. All have a common link as one depends on the other to reach its true potential (McCartney K and Phillips D 2006). Every Childs development does depend on their physical, cognitive, social and emotional self. And each of these components of self depends in part, on the changes that are taking place in other areas of development (Shaffer 1992). In reality, this is some times overlooked by practitioners in their assessments and evaluations of our children. As the measurements of achievements rears it ugly head, and some teachers focus on the bright and gifted while the less gifted child is left to his own devises. Most school want to have a good record of achievement and thus instruct their teachers to comply with their wish to get the best results for the school as possible. For some teachers this is a bitter pill to swallow as their time is taken up by helping the gifted children reach the highest targets, unavoidably leaves the less gifted neglected. Ability tracking, is yet another thorn for the less gifted children as this is where students are grouped by their ability, some theorists argue that this undermines the self-esteem of low ability students. As children are placed on the red, yellow, blue or green table depending on how clever they are perceived to be, by the teacher. Thus contributing to poor academic achievement and a high number of children feeling disheartened and demoralised. As we mentioned earlier how children of six are more aware of their peers, this only highlights the fact, leaving the less gifted children believing they are stupid, so they stop trying to achieve. Rutters research in 1983 suggests that mixed ability groups are more advantageous for children in primary education and ability tracking was more sensible in the latter senior years at secondary. Rutter 1983) put high emphasis on the teacher’s attitudes towards their pupils as being vitally important to the Childs achievements. Motivation, praise, encouragement and a high expectation are all crucial to ensuring a child succeeds (Pollard 1997). 3. 2 Why do other countries not deem early literacy as important as the UK Dr Ken Spencer (2007) from the Institute of Learning at University of Hull, fought back in response to all the critics of Cameron, as they protested why other countries did not deem this an important issue. He made them aware of the reason why Scandinavian children can start reading at six: their language has a transparent writing system, in which each sound has only one letter associated with it. With such a writing system all children read in about six month, no matter when they start school. His research evidence shows that learning to read English will always take three or more years longer, than most other languages. There is now indisputable evidence that complex combinations of letters and their irregular behaviour interact to make English the worst example of alphabetical language. Chapter 4 Conclusion Language and literacy development, like all human development, will be heavily determined by the nature of the environment, and may be severely limited unless the environment is appropriate. A stimulating environment is required to enable natural curiosity, intelligence, and creativity to develop, and to enable our biological capacities to unfold. The fact that the course of development is largely internally determined does not mean that it will proceed without care, stimulation, and opportunity (Penn 2005). Like Chomsky perceived â€Å"teaching is not like filling a cup with water, but ore like enabling a flower to grow in its own way; but it will not grow and flourish without proper care†(Chomsky 1897,p1). There is evidence that teachers whom have a holistic view with a child centred approach, can lead to a more fruitful interaction between the realms of theory and practice, which in turn will benefit the child’s learning and behaviour. The examples of rese arch in the fields of literacy and development discussed, show how work which was originally theoretically motivated can lead to practical recommendations for intervention. Chapter 5 Recommendations It does appear that there is extensive evidence to suggest that poor teacher may have a lot to do with poor literacy attainment and behavioural issues. Perhaps David Cameron quest for literacy attainment will only be achieved once the teaching pedagogy improves. Adults, like children, learn better when they perceive a need for the information they are learning. Staff development should provide teachers with authentic, meaningful tasks that relate to improving classroom instruction. Helping teachers improve instruction must focus on more than just going through the motions of teaching. Showers, Joyce, and Bennett (1987) analyzed more than two hundred research studies on staff development and concluded that a major factor in how teachers teach is how they think about teaching. Staff development should help teachers increase their knowledge and learn to think about their instructional decisions. Having a basic level of knowledge about an innovation is important in helping teachers â€Å"buy in† to it (Showers et al. , 1987). Over the last fifteen years the emphasis on staff development has evolved in many ways, from workshop sessions to more comprehensive, collaborative approaches that focus on the individual needs and concerns of teachers (Waxman, 1987). Hopefully by improving our pedagogy and focusing on a more holistic child centred environment all children and teachers will benefit. The research literature to date has suggested pathways for us to take. It is up to us as a society to make the journey. 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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Discuss the usefulness of Dunning’s eclectic paradigm in helping us understand how firms internationalise free essay sample

Introduction: Dunning Eclectic paradigm was appeared in by J. H Dunning. After this journal published, dunning eclectic paradigm becomes the most influential theory in research of foreign direct investment (FDI) and multinational (MNE). It is used comprehensively to analysis the motivation and advantages of MNE in term of FDI. In the following essay, I am going to talk about the importance of MNE and the development of eclectic paradigm in order to have a brief background for the reader. After that, I will begin to discuss the usefulness of Dunning’s eclectic paradigm in helping us understanding how firms internationalise. The importance of MNE MNE is acting a more and more important role in advancing globalization. According to world investment report, there are more than 60 thousands MNE in 1999. These MNE own around 500 thousands of branches which covered more than 160 countries. They have an extremely powerful influence for the global economic due to their super-large scale and capital. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss the usefulness of Dunning’s eclectic paradigm in helping us understand how firms internationalise or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lots of local company are trying to become one of the MNE but eventually more of them failed. The companies which fail to access the global market have not enough preparation and understanding of the global environment. To deal with such problem, Dunning’s eclectic paradigm provides a clear and comprehensive analysis of MNE. These analysis helps the company understand what they needed if they want to become MNE. Development of eclectic paradigm In 1960, Stephan Hymer proposed Monopolistic Advantage Theory in his dissertation. He thinks market failure is the main reason of MNE carrying FDI. A foreign company own monopolistic advantage that other local company haven’t so the foreign company can run their business overseas and earn much more profit. C. P. Kindleberger, H.G Johnson, R. E. Caves and F. T. Knickerbocker keep completing and modifying this theory. However, it still can’t explain why some companies in developing country invest to developed country even they don’t have monopolistic advantage. In 1996, America economist R. Vernon in challenge Monopolistic Advantage Theory that can’t explain why the company must go through FDI but not licencing or exporting. H e suggested that monopolistic advantage, product life cycle and location should be combined in order to look at a MNE. In 1976, P. J. Buckley and M. Casson provide a new theory â€Å"Internalization† It stressed companies’ monopolistic advantages are not caused by market failure, but market failure assist the company to keep monopolistic advantages in their company. In 1981, J. H Dunning summarized all the theory above and created a new theory called dunning’s eclectic paradigm. The usefulness of Dunning’s eclectic paradigm Dunning’s eclectic paradigm concluded the previous academic’s theory and provide a detailed, comprehensive and clear analysis for people to understand how firm internationalise. It clearly pointed out that a MNE must own ownership specific advantages, internalization advantage and location advantage. I will explain both of them in detail in the following essay. Also, the case of Lenovo will be used as an example to show how to understand firm’s internationalisation through Dunning’s eclectic paradigm. Ownership Advantage: This idea first brought up by Hymer in 1960. It becomes one of the basic contexts in Dunning’s eclectic paradigm. Ownership advantage can be called as monopolistic advantage or competitive advantage. It means that a firm own some advantages over other company in the markets in which it is located or in which it is considering locating. It helps a foreign company gain a better power which the local company don’t have. These ownership advantages can be classified as two aspects. One is the advantages caused by a company occupying the intangible assets, such as patents, proprietary technology, trademark rights, copyright, land user and franchises. Another is caused by the economics of scale the company owned, which included technology and general innovative capacities, information, and managerial and entrepreneurial skills. The ownership advantage can help people understand why a firm is going to have foreign direct investment. The reason why MNE willing to have FDI is because they got the ownership advantage but their local competitor doesn’t have which makes sure MNE can access the market and earn the profit they want. However, if a company only got the ownership advantage but not own location and internalization advantages as well, then they can only through licencing but not FDI. Here is the example of Lenovo. Lenovo is a Chinese brand, which internationalised since 2000. First of all, let’s take a look of the ownership advantage Lenovo owned.. As a high-tech product producer, Lenovo owned more than 1000 inventions with patent and it is keep investing in their RD department. Besides that, Lenovo has modern production base in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong, which produce more than 5 million high-tech product each year. Also, the vice chairman and president of Lenovo Liu innovated the structure of company and combined with western managerial theory. The excellent product, well service and honest culture built up Lenovo’s wonderful brand image and it assisted Lenovo get the advantage in financing and crediting. Therefore, we can analysis through dunning’s eclectic paradigm to conclude that Lenovo got the advantage in technology and general innovative capabilities advantage, managerial and entrepreneurial skills advantage and scale advantage. Lenovo owned the ownership advantages while other company lack of so they can access the foreign market and began to build up overseas RD centre and recruit the talent overseas. As we saw, dunning’s eclectic paradigm help us to point out what kind of advantages Lenovo have and what are they rely on in order to access foreign market. Internalization Advantage: Internalization advantage is another factors explained in dunning’s eclectic paradigm. It explains how the company use their ownership advantages. Most likely company will utilize their ownership advantages in two ways. One is selling their ownership advantages to other company which we can call it externalization. For example, Eastman Kodak Co sold their patent of digital imaging technology and earned $525 million in 2013. After they sold this patent, they are not longer to use it anymore, that what we called externalization. However, what is internalization? Internalization means that the company use the ownership advantages themselves but not selling to others. Then, how will the company make decision between externalization and internalization? It depends on the profit they can earn and some other factors. In most of case, firm will prefer internalization when market failure or imperfection existing. Here are some reasons why company will internalize: (1). to prevent the outflow of technology advantages (2). to form the economics of scale (3). to escape foreign exchange control, traffic and tax . These reasons support why company will choose internalization but not externalization because they can gain a greater profit through internalization. Let’s look at the case of Lenovo and see how they internalize. Lenovo wanted to access a country with high tariff and barrier. In order to overcome such market failure, Lenovo has to set up a company and branch in that country. It can actually escape the traffic and barrier when Lenovo sell their product. If Lenovo just export their product, the exporting cost will much more higher than they internalize. Also, licence is a very dangerous way for the high-tech company like Lenovo. It is extremely easy to divulge their technology advantage and damage the profit of company. As we saw, dunning’s electric paradigm help us understand how a company use their ownership advantage and keep them in their own company. Location Advantage: Dunning’s eclectic paradigm help us understand where will a company going to invest. In order to internationalise, company have to choice which country they are going to invest. The country they are going to invest must own some advantages which their original country hasn’t. When a company have ownership and internalization advantage, then they need to make a choice between domestic investment and FDI. It depends on which one can bring more profit to the company. Location advantages are specific to a particular country but are available to all firms, which can include natural resources, labour, society, domestic economics, geography, technology, culture, education, politics and transport. If these factors can benefit for a company and help them earn as much as they want, they will choice that country to invest. Location advantages can be classified as two types. The first one is direct location advantages which the advantage owned by the targeting country, such as wider market, labour intensive and preferential investment policy. The second one is indirect location advantages which are caused by some unfavourable factors in the investing country and targeting country, such as high transportation cost or insurmountable trade barriers. For example, whenever Lenovo want to invest in a new country, they will analysis the environment of that country and look whether they can benefit through the environment or not. This is a very important issue for the company to consider the environment of country. If they can utilize the benefit from the environment, most like they will success in that country. However, if a company ignore the importance of environment, it is a disaster and they will fail no matter how powerful they are. To conclude, location advantages determine whether the company is going to invest overseas or not and where they are going to invest. Four conditions: Dunning’s eclectic paradigm help us understand an MNE’s degree of foreign value-added activities depends on the satisfaction of the following four condition. 1. The degree to which a firm possess ownership advantages over other firms in a particular market. If a firm can own advantages greater than others, they will have more value-added activities. 2. The degree to which an MNE believes it is in its best interests to exploit its ownership advantages rather than sell them to another firm, perhaps in the form of technology licensing or franchising (the internalization factor). It means that if the firm believe that they can earn more profit through FDI than licensing, they will increase their value-added activities. 3. The degree to which there are location-specific advantages of a particular country which raise the value of ownership advantages relative to elsewhere. A place can provide a greater benefit for the company’s ownership advantages, and then the company will invest more in that particular country. 4. The degree to which foreign production is consistent with the long-term strategy of the firm. If the firm is tracing for a long-term strategy, they will more care and stress about the foreign value-added activities. Diagram of dunning’s eclectic paradigm Ownership advantages Internalization advantages Location advantages FDI Yes Yes Yes Export Yes Yes No Licence Yes No Yes In dunning’s eclectic paradigm, it stressed that a company must have both of three advantages in order to have FDI. A company rely on ownership advantages against the local company. Also, they choose a right environment which can benefit their business. Then they internalize their business into that country and expand their business. Therefore, only the company with ownership, internalization and location advantage can be called as MNE. When a company possess ownership and internalization advantages but lack of location advantage, they can only sell their product through exporting. It means that they can only utilize their advantage domestically because they can’t find a suitable investment country. Also, if a company have ownership and location advantage but no internalization advantage, they will licence other company. Lacking of internalization advantage means that the company’s ownership advantage can’t be utilized within their own company and they have to sell or translate those advantages to others in order to earn profit. Meanwhile, a company with internalization and location advantages means that they lack of the most basic criterion to have FDI because ownership advantage is the precondition of FDI. Limitation: Although dunning’s eclectic paradigm help us a lot in understanding how firm internationalize, some limitations still exist in this theory. Some academics criticize that eclectic paradigm is not dynamic enough to explain the changes in strategy by MNEs. Also, it has not a deep study in the connection between internal management and FDI. Besides that, dunning’s eclectic paradigm mainly concern the MNEs in developed country but not the company in developing country. These companies also have FDI but eclectic paradigm can’t have a detailed, scientific and comprehensive explanation for these firms. Conclusion: Dunning’s eclectic paradigm summarize previous theory about firm’s internationalization and created a new way to analysis MNEs. It captured the essence of former and overcame the insufficient part of their theory, which dunning modified them into a comprehensive and understandable theory. The core concept of eclectic paradigm is ownership advantage, internalization advantage and location advantage. These three advantages help us to understand the ‘why’, the ‘where’ and the ‘how’ of the internationalization of production respectively. Ownership advantage explained why company is going to have FDI and what they rely on in order to battle with other firm. Internalization advantage explained how the company keep their ownership advantage within own company. Location advantage explained which country can benefit for the business of company. However, dunning’s eclectic paradigm is a static and microscopic theory which limited the usefulness of this concept. Although dunning’s eclectic paradigm had such limitation, it doesn’t affect this theory become the most influential way in analysing company’s activity in FDI.